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 [Infos] sur l'album

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 824
Age : 34
Localisation : france nord
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2005

[Infos] sur l'album Empty
MessageSujet: [Infos] sur l'album   [Infos] sur l'album Icon_minitimeLun 19 Déc 2005 - 16:15

La bande l'aurait repousser ..à Janvier pour causes qu'ils voulaient plus de chansons sur leur album aurait du sortir à la place de GU

The Album was originally expected in October, it's unclear but it may have been pushed back to be expected in January, hopefully we'll have some clarity on this soon though.
It's being produced by Colin Richardson (Carcass, Inme, FFAF).
They're looking to have eleven or twelve tracks on the album.
All the tracks are written and have been demoed (at Al's barn).
Most of the EP tracks are not going to be on the album, but when we met the band, Charlie said that it was probable that Lost Like Tears in Rain was to be on there. Mono was also a possibility, but they weren't sure if it would be right.
There isn't going to be another tour until the album is out.
Charlie: "The record is going to be: bang, acoustic track, bang, something else..."

et puis maintenant il aurait encore été repousser au mois de Mars car au mois de Février le 20, il sorte un nouveau single ....histoire à suivre
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